TWISTED SUNSHINE: The Crazy Life and Times of ME :)

life is like a box of chocolates- you never know what you're gonna get!


Hello! My name is Sparkles. I am a HUGE NY Yankees fan!!! I have learned that life is short so make the most out of the time you have! So what can you find me doing most of the time.. I love to hang out with my friends and my family- making lots of memories that will last a lifetime.. this is my #1!! I love spending time at camp- BBQs, boat rides, bonfires, etc. Love going to the movies or relaxing at home with a DVD, curling up at night and reading, rocking out in my car to my favorite music! Anyways, I hope you guys have fun reading my blog!!!


I love all kinds of music, so here are a few of my favorites.

(Click any song to listen)

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The Last Song
by Nicholas Sparks


Reasons Why I Love Thee
2010... Bring It On!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Charlie Bartlett Monologue
little -> BIG Annoyances!
Blast from the Past...
Is it Friday yet?
Happy Birthday to ME!
Happy Mother's Day and Remembering Loved Ones Passed
Christian the Lion


September 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
May 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
December 2008
February 2009
March 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
September 2009
November 2009
January 2010
October 2010


SU Basketball
That 70's Show
One Tree Hill
CSI: Miami


Life or Something Like It
Hilarious Web Videos
80s Rock Videos
Get the Big Picture
Sox and Pinstripes
Waiter Rant
F*** My Life
The Dingo Report

Saturday, June 23, 2007

hey that's when i'm gonna be there!!!

ok, i was just re-reading the post that i just posted about a minute ago- specifically the justin bulletin and i realized that the concert that they are taping and going to show on hbo is the concert that i am going to. i had to read it a couple times and second guess myself but yup- august 16th is the concert that i am attending!!! that is awesome! who knows, maybe this means that he will do some extra stuff for the tv audience that he wouldn't do in the rest of his shows. a coworker and i are so hoping that andy sanberg is there and him and justin can perform "dick in a box". i told her that if he was there and they sang it, i would tape it for her but hey i guess she would be able to see it for herself now :) also i am really hoping that they can get as many people that justin has collaborated with to be at the concert just cause that would be awesome. i have heard that timbaland is on tour with justin now so lets hope that continues. thinking specifically of the song that i talked about in my last post "chop me up", timbaland and three 6 mafia are on that track and it would be awesome if all of them were there to perform the song together.

ok, so i guess i got some high hopes for this concert and even higher ones now that i know that it is gonna be taped and shown on hbo. this is great though, cause not only will i be there in person, but then a couple weeks later i will be able to relive it!!! :) things are going so great for me this summer!


random things...

to start off, i hope everyone enjoyed justin's new video that was the focus of my last post. very typical of justin- different, but i like it :) speaking of justin- i ordered the best shot glass ever sometime last week and it came in the mail today. what does this have to do with justin, you ask- it is from his website and it has one of his lyrics from his song "chop me up" on it along with his "futuresex love show 2007" logo on it. not only is that i think my favorite song of his but i am always going around and singing that part in particular. i will try to find that song among other justin songs and nsync songs to add to my playlist (since i am slowly getting more and more excited about my concert in august!), so watch out for them. oh and by the way, here is a picture of the shot glass that i was talking about- i love it!!!

Justin is bringing his explosive FutureSex/LoveShow right into your home as he headlines his first solo concert event on HBO! The HBO Concert Special will be taped August 16th to be seen exclusively on HBO on September 3rd at 9PM.

anyways, since summer has started, i have been able to watch a lot of dvds. i was really bad and i watched two movies yesterday- ON THE LINE and FLICKA. neither of them were unbelievably great but they were good. ON THE LINE i simply watched just because JOEY andLANCE from NSYNC were in the movie. joey was hysterical. if you know him from nsync you know how he can be and his character wasn't much different from how he is in real life. he played an 80s rocker in the movie. whenever he was on stage, he was always singing songs like "pour some sugar on me" (in which he was actually pouring sugar on himself) and "every rose has it's thorn" ( with joey's little twist on it). i'll give it one thumb up just because of joey and the 80s songs he butchered. FLICKA was pretty good but i was expecting it to be better than it was. the horses were beautiful in it. and something that i learned from the movie is that "flicka" means pretty girl. i think that is really cute. the one misconception that i had going into this movie was that i thought that the younger guy in the movie was gonna be the main character's boyfriend or love interest or something like that but he turned out to be her brother. i got this misconception from the trailer, which if you think about it, a lot of movie trailers are very misleading. form your own opinion- here is the trailer :

in the end though, after watching the movie, i thought it was very nice how close of a relationship the siblings had in the movie and i kind of admired it. oh, and did i mention that i think that the guy who plays the brother (RYAN KWANTEN)was really cute too. just watching the trailer doesn't do him justice cause it is his character in the movie too that adds to his cuteness.

i also watched SOMETHING NEW a couple days ago. again, a good movie, but not great. the guy in it (SIMON BAKER) though much, much older than me (16 years to be exact), was VERY nice to look at. he was a landscaper in the movie, so that made him even nicer to look at :)

one movie that i went to see in the theater is HOSTEL 2. i am gonna tell you right off the bat- don't even bother with it. i'm not even putting a link to its imdb page cause it is not work the effort. it is one of the stupidest movies i have seen in a long time. i couldn't find a point to any of it. again, don't waste your time.

i guess that is about it- my life hasn't been very exciting lately other than that today at work someone i have gone to school with ever since elementary school came in and he is reall cute now :) i have thought this for a while cause he ha come in a few times in the past. anyways, have a great weekend folks- talk to y'all soon :)


Monday, June 18, 2007

new justin video...

here is mr. timberlake's new video for his song "lovestoned/i think she knows"
ENJOY!!!!!! :)


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Wednesday, June 06, 2007


ok so it has been a looooong while since i last posted, but i just had to write something since i am having such a great day.

first of all, this is gonna sound realy stupid, but i am having an awesome hair day thanks to my hairdresser. i just went in for a normal layered cut which is what i usually get, but this time she asked if i wanted her to straighten it and i said sure. can i tell you my hair looks awesome straight. anyways, usually when i leave the hairdresser's i need to play with my hair just a little bit to get it just how i want it but not this time- it looked perfect when i when she was done. i go to this place where they have a bunch of different hairdressers and unless you go in by appointment or request a certain hairdresser, you don't know who you are gonna get. well, today i got this girl who i knew from high school who graduated two years before me with my brother. she just did an awesome job with my hair. she gave me a card with her hours on it since i will now probably be requesting her from now on. the sad thing is that it will all be destroyed after one night of sleeping on it :( anyways, for right now, i just love it. but enough about my hair :).

did i mention at all that i started my one summer class (yeah, one- i started out taking three summer classes and now i am down to one. i guess that will make my summer a lot better!) last tuesday and it is nothing like what i was expecting. i thought it was gonna be about digital photography, but it turns out that it is about digital imaging- lets just say that digital photography and digital imaging are two completely different things. digital imaging is actually making images on the computer using different programs. i was a little frustrated at first because i was thinking i was going into a photography class, but i am actually excited with the project that i made after like 4 days of working with a new program. the project was that we had to come up with a concept and a cover for a book called "on the edge." my concept was "a story about what you would see if you were standing on the edge of the world." i thought it was pretty cool. the actual project- the book cover i made has a beam of light in the background being the sun and then there are planets and the moon and the stars everywhere and then there is a little boy who is standing on earth looking out at space. yeah there were some good ideas but i really liked how mine turned out.

the last thing i am excited about is that i am getting together with and old friend from high school tonight. she moved the summer before our senior year and the only time i have seen her since then was at graduation when she came up to visit. i actually took work off because friends of the family were in town but it turns out that we aren't hanging out with them tonight. i am a little bummed about that but it all works out cause now i get to hang out with amanda, my friend from high school :) i am surely gonna take pics and probably post them hopefully- especially since i am having such a great hair day lol :)

the only thing that could make this day better is if P comes around- not only will i get to see him, but he will get to see me on one of the best hair days of my life lol again! he probably wouldn't even notice anyways, but it would be fun to test :)

some exciting news in the tv/movie world- well, exciting to me anyways :)
  • ONE TREE HILL is gonna be on tonight. last weeks episode totally left you hanging so i am really excited to watch that probably tomorrow when i get home from class. it left you with whitey calling duke on behalf of nathan, karen fainting after finding out that dan actually killed keith and lucas pointing a gun at dan (which the credits started rolling and then you hear the gun go off). if you have no idea what i am talking about, the show is really good and you should definitely start watching it :)
  • the third season of MINDFREAK started up last night. he was is vegas and he levitated off the top of the luxor hotel. it was insane!!!!
  • then did anyone catch the mtv movie awards. i found out about a movie that i wasn't too excited to see but i definitely am now- TRANSFORMERS. this movie has an awesome cast (at least in my eyes cause there will be lots of eye candy!!!)- of course there is SHIA LABEOUF. then there will be also be JOSH DUHAMEL and TYRESE GIBSON. anyways, it does look like a pretty good sci-fi/action movie- dropping into theaters on july 4th
  • i am also starting to get excited about the movie HAIRSPRAY, cause i just found out that it also has a great cast, including AMANDA BYNES, JOHN TRAVOLTA, ZAC EFRON, MICHELLE PFEIFFER, QUEEN LATIFAH, BRITTANY SNOW, JAMES MARSDEN, and CHRISTOPHER WALKEN (who actually scares me a little, but oh well)
  • one more thing- i went to see KNOCKED UP monday night and i would definitely recommend this movie! it was so hysterical. i was literally laughing throughout the whole movie. yeah some of it was a little raunchyish but again it was hilarious. definitely go see it! ten thumbs up :)
all right i guess that's all folks. talk to y'all later :) have a happy wednesday!!!!