TWISTED SUNSHINE: The Crazy Life and Times of ME :)

life is like a box of chocolates- you never know what you're gonna get!


Hello! My name is Sparkles. I am a HUGE NY Yankees fan!!! I have learned that life is short so make the most out of the time you have! So what can you find me doing most of the time.. I love to hang out with my friends and my family- making lots of memories that will last a lifetime.. this is my #1!! I love spending time at camp- BBQs, boat rides, bonfires, etc. Love going to the movies or relaxing at home with a DVD, curling up at night and reading, rocking out in my car to my favorite music! Anyways, I hope you guys have fun reading my blog!!!


I love all kinds of music, so here are a few of my favorites.

(Click any song to listen)

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The Last Song
by Nicholas Sparks


SPRING BREAK- yeah right!!!
today might be the day!!!
no baby yet :(
almost BABY TIME!!!
some more music videos...
i should be going to bed, but...
it was a rough weekend...


September 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
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July 2008
August 2008
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December 2008
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July 2009
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November 2009
January 2010
October 2010


SU Basketball
That 70's Show
One Tree Hill
CSI: Miami


Life or Something Like It
Hilarious Web Videos
80s Rock Videos
Get the Big Picture
Sox and Pinstripes
Waiter Rant
F*** My Life
The Dingo Report

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


today has been CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! first of all i woke up at 6 to get back in the swing of things after spring break last week and the first thing that popped into my head was "what is the weather like outside? so i looked at the roads and they were bare. so of course i went and took my shower and got ready. then i hear on the news that we have a travel advisory. not only that- the high was going to be 8 degrees. EIGHT DEGREES!!!! that is fricken cold. at that point after i was all ready, i started to debate whether to actually go to school or not. finally i ended up going and it was a little slick out there in some places but things were ok if you just took it easy. so that is what i did!

so i get to school and for once they actually did pretty good at plowing out the parking lots there. the snow that was left in the lots was some of that really hard snow so i could just wheel right along on top of it. my first two classes are back to back beginning at 8:30 in the morning then i have an hour and a half break which even though i actually got some work done was very hard to get through. about an hour into the break i just all of a sudden looked up at the computer that i was sitting at and just stared and it became a little bit blurry cause i was so exhausted. i get to my last class and i received some bad news- i am informed that i have to do a presentation to i guess a pretty large group of people (for an honor's project that i am doing) on top of another one that i would be presenting the same material to two of my professors. when i decided to do this project, i was only told about the one presentation that i would have to gove to my two professors. i am totally freaking out about this other one now. the big presentation will be on a saturday in april, and since i work every saturday, i even have to take a day off of work to do this. that just put me in a bad mood at the end of my school day.

but..... i was cheered up when i got home- i found out that the guy that i like (we'll just call him P for now!) was coming over to my house. YIPPPPPPEEEEEEE!!! as far as i know P doesn't know that i like him but there is a good possibility that he does know cause P is a friend of my dad and my brother and i think my mom has told my dad who could have very well told P that i like him. i can go into this whole big long story, but i won't get into that right now. one thing that i do want to share about P though is that he is absolutely adoreable when he is with my nieces and nephews. he is always helping them out and playing with them. it is just so cute. my oldest nephew loves him. they are buddies!!! one very cute memory that i have of P and my oldest niece is when they were dancing together to some music that we could hear at the state fair and they were also playing hopscotch. all of the kids are just so comfortable around him- they are just as comfortable around him as they are around the family. i love it!!! ok so anyways, lets get back on track- so P comes over and he, my dad and my brother are sitting there talking and my dad pulls out a snowmobile catalogue and points out this really nice snowmobile with a heated seat and P says that my dad should buy that one for me and my mom. P is just funny like that- coming out with these wacky comments. anyways i just laughed a little and went back to what i was doing. the next thing you know i get a call from a friend at work asking if i would be able to come in tonight. i was like doesn't it figure- i haven't seen P in the longest time and when i finally do i get called into work. i didn't mind too much cause i love the people that i would be working with but still, you know what i mean.

so i go to work and have a fun time- i now realize that i was extremely talkative all night long. kinda like right now!!! i get home and there is no one home. a few minutes after i get in my house the phone rings. i didn't recognize the number, and usually when i don't recognize a number i just don't answer it cause i figure if it is important they will leave a message, but for some strange reason i answered it. of course it was none other than P! my brother picked him up and brought him over to the house earlier so my parents were taking him home and one of them must have asked P to call (since my dad forgot his phone) and make sure that i was able to get in the garage all right (cause the door was sticking or something i guess). i was like yup i got in fine. i hope i am not the one who feels like this about someone, but just hearing his voice on the phone made me smile :)

well, that phone call was a happy ending to an overall really crazy day. i went from exhausted to bored back to exhausted to frantic back to exhausted to excited to happy to annoyed to extremely talkative back to exhausted and back to HAPPY :) ok and so here's another great ending to my day- 2 FAST 2 FURIOUS is on tv with my beautiful boyfriend PAUL WALKER!!!!

one last thing worth mentioning is that i am also really excited about
GO SU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Blogger C.C. said...

Ah "P". I have a "P" too, only it is his last name. Haha! I guess I would have to call him "I" ...My "I"!!! hahahah!

Ok, so you were wound up in that post and I am wound up now. :)

It is weird that you picked up the phone and there was "P"!! OK, wait, I think we need a better nickname b/c that did not sound right!!

See you tonight for more fun at the Library!!!:)

commentsWed Mar 07, 01:39:00 PM  

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